
The Baghèt (bagpipes Bergamo) is a traditional musical instrument of Bergamo.

Its existence is documented in some frescoes, already in the XIV century.
The lack of attention to its roots, however, had risked, in the \'50s, to wipe out this tool.

The work of several people who are passionately dedicated to this instrument, allowed to recover almost completely restoring a cultural intended to be irretrievably lost.

Janus plays Baghèt with the aim of bringing this "typical product" that is part and parcel of the culture of Bergamo.

The history of Baghèt teaches how risky it is to forget the importance of their traditions and what is rather crucial to encourage the traditional and typical of their area.

The painstaking search of their roots always emerge and culturally enriching elements that help make meaning clear and simple to daily life bringing together in light of the strong future prospects.